Submit an abstractTo submit an abstract, you need an account on the Sciencesconf platform. If you need to create an account, go to the conference's page "", click on the downward triangle near the login button (usually in the top right corner), select "Create account", and follow the instructions. Once you have an account, go to the conference's page "", click on the login button (usually in the top right corner), and log in.
Then, in the "My Space" menu, go to "My submissions" and click on "Submit an abstract". Please check the provided template.
Insert your title, word count, short abstract, and long abstract in the "Abstract/Résumé" box. This part of your submission should be anonymous.
Submission of anonymous abstracts up to 1000 words is welcome and may be made on the corresponding page of the conference website.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 19, 2024, noon, Paris time.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 31, 2024, noon, Paris time.
Notwithstanding the title of the conference, all talks addressing any idea discussed by Marge’s or Paul’s philosophical contributions or, more generally, that tackle issues, fields, or trends that were the object of Marge’s or Paul’s investigations (which covers much of philosophy of science) are welcome.
We specifically encourage submissions by young scholars as well as collaborative talks.
Lists of research issues addressed at the conference: a non-exhaustive sample
- Scientific Models
- Scientific Representations
- Causality
- Computational Practices
- Computer Simulations
- Computational Science
- Scientific Templates
- Emergence
- Epistemological Issues in the Kantian tradition
- Mathematics and Computer Science and their Application in Science
- Measurement in Science
- Probability, Chance, Propensities
- Practice Turn and the in practice/in principle distinction
- Relevant Issues in the History of Science, Physics, and Biology
- Scientific Realism
- Scientific Data and Data Science
- Scientific Explanation
- Understanding
- Unification and the Unity of Science
- Thought Experiments
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